Archive for July, 2010

The Security Risk Posed By a Photocopier

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Computer SecurityMany photocopiers use hard drives to store scanned images of the originals. And many people don’t think about wiping that hard drive before selling, trading, or ending the lease on the copier. Which leaves a gold mine of personal and intellectual property information for those who do think about these things.


LifeLock Doesn’t Work As Well As Advertised

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

SecurityWe’ve all heard the advertisements for LifeLock, where CEO Todd Davis freely gives out his Social Security number because he’s so confident that LifeLock’s service will protect him. Kudos to whoever came up with the idea for such an innovative marketing campaign, but the reality is that Davis’ identity has been successfully stolen 13 times since the ads began airing.

(via Kim Komando)

Why Expensive HDMI Cables Don’t Make Sense

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

DigitalIn the older, analog world of video, any degradation in the signal due to cheap cabling would cause a corresponding degradation in the picture. So super-high-quality, gold plated, and hideously expensive cables made a certain amount of sense. But in the digital world, you can have a severe amount of signal degradation without any loss in picture quality. The $6.00 cable really is just as good as the $250.00 cable. In fact, you may see more degradation from your cable or satellite provider than you’ll ever get from cabling.
