Archive for February, 2010

Korea’s Imaginary Wall

Monday, February 8th, 2010

WallFrom the article: “North Korea’s New Year’s wish of seeing the destruction of a massive concrete wall dividing the Korean peninsula never seems to come true — mostly because there is no such barrier.”


Man Sues Neighbor For Using an iPhone

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

TransmitterA man who claims he is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation is suing his neighbor for using her iPhone at home.

(via Kim Komando)

What Does Your Email Address Say About You?

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

EmailBack in the day, companies would advertise their AOL keywords in print and television. But AOL has been in decline for years now, and having an “” email address is a sign of being behind the times. In the linked article, the writer discusses how she feels about using her AOL email in a professional capacity, and I have to agree with her. I’ve had the domain since 1999 and simply forward its messages to whatever mail client I’m currently using—in this case, gmail. This gives me a certain amount of portability, as well as some tech world street cred.

(via Slashdot)

Apple Announces The iPad

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Tablet ComputerLast week Apple introduced its latest invention, the iPad. Despite the fanfare, I don’t believe the iPad will dramatically change the state of the art. I expect the chief reason for buying an iPad will be its advanced e-book reading capabilities.

The iPad has been described as a large iPhone. It can run all existing iPhone apps without modification. It runs the Safari web browser but has no support for Flash, which disables quite a few websites. It does not have a built-in camera, nor does it allow you to make phone calls (even VoIP is prohibited for now).

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