The Future of Netflix: Streaming Video

March 3rd, 2009

TelevisionNetflix sees the future, and the future includes on-demand streaming video. Why use snail mail to get Netflix DVDs when you can download the movie right now? Makes sense to me, although I doubt the quality of the streaming video will be as good as that of DVD or Blu-ray.


2 Responses to “The Future of Netflix: Streaming Video”

  1. [link]josh Says:

    The current quality of Netflix streamed video is terrible. Rather than download enough that you can play at DVD quality, they reduce quality until it fits your streaming rate (up to 4mbps last I checked). IMO it is a great idea but not usable in its current incarnation.
    Someday. Someday.

  2. [link]Chad Cloman Says:

    This is weird. My friend Harvey said this: “I use the Roku box for streaming Netfix free video and it is as clear and smooth as my DVD videos.”

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