Archive for January, 2010

The Complete National Geographic

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

CoverForget about collecting all those paper copies; instead, consider purchasing the full run of National Geographic magazine from 1888. Yes, that’s 120 years. The set comes on an external hard drive with the full text and high-resolution digitized pictures (including advertisements) of every issue. It also includes the maps.

(via Engadget)

“Mark the Spot” iPhone App

Saturday, January 16th, 2010

PhoneFor the iPhone users out there, are you tired of AT&T’s poor coverage? “Mark the Spot” is an iPhone app that, when you have a service failure, registers a complaint with AT&T and tells them the exact location of the failure.


USB-enabled Power Outlet

Friday, January 15th, 2010

USBHere’s a nice power outlet that includes two USB charging plugs in addition to the standard three-prong electrical outlets. It costs $9.95, fits in any existing wall outlet, and doesn’t drain any “vampire” power. The downside is that it’s only available for pre-order (but should be shipping fairly soon).

(via Engadget)

The Downsides of Cloud Computing

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

The CloudThere are advantages to using cloud computing services such as Google Docs, but there are also some definite disadvantages. Chief among these are the potential loss of access to your data, and getting what you pay for.


World of Warcraft – Check! – Now What?

Monday, January 11th, 2010

GamingA Taiwanese man is the first person to finish World of Warcraft. According to the article, he “killed 390,895 creatures, accumulated 7,255,538,878 points of damage, completed 5,906 quests (that’s 14.62 quests per day, apparently), raided 405 dungeons and hugged 11 players.” Some people have way too much free time.

(via Neatorama)