Archive for September, 2009

The Penicillin of Anti-virals

Friday, September 4th, 2009

DoctorMedical researchers have long wanted a generic anti-viral agent that works on most viruses, much like antibacterials (such as penicillin) work on bacterial infections. The main way we protect against viruses is to inject a vaccine consisting of a harmless or dead version of the virus. This causes the body to generate antibodies and allows it to react more quickly when exposed to the real virus. The problem is that this doesn’t work on new or mutated viruses (think SARS or the ever-changing flu virus).

Now researchers have developed a promising anti-viral drug that should work on most existing viruses as well as any new ones. Rather than prepping the body’s immune system, it works directly on the virus and prevents it from replicating. And as an added bonus, it will be quite difficult for a virus to develop an immunity to the drug. The linked article has more details.


When a File-sharing Program Shares Too Much

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Computer SecurityPeer-to-peer file-sharing programs are best known for their use in illegally distributing copyrighted music and video files. With some of these programs you host the shared files on your computer, and other users can search your computer for a particular file. This is a significant security issue. Some people have not configured the file-sharing program correctly and are unintentionally sharing private information. And in certain cases, a child installs the program on the family computer without the parents’ knowledge. The first linked article discusses how a man used Limewire to perform identity theft, and the second is about private photos taken from other users’ computers and posted on the internet.

Link #1:…
(via Slashdot)

Link #2:…

Facts About Health Care Around the World

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

DoctorChad’s News has no opinion on political issues, but given the controversy surrounding the US government’s proposed health care legislation, I thought the linked article would be helpful. It provides basic information about the existing programs in various countries (including the US).
