Archive for April, 2009

How Paper is Recycled

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

RecycleThe linked article describes how paper is recycled. The system breaks down the wood fibers slightly, and they can’t be reused after about 6-8 times through the process. Also, there are nasty chemicals involved.


Where Are They Now – Computer Products

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Bill GatesBoy this takes me back. The title for the linked article is a bit inaccurate, since some of the products did actually die. And for several of them, only the naming rights have survived.

(via digg)

An Experiment in Racism

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

EyeFrom the article:

With King shot just the day before in Memphis, Elliott encouraged her third-graders to discuss how something so horrible could happen.

“I finally said, ‘Do you kids have any idea how it feels to be something other than white in this country?’”

The children shook their heads and said they wanted to learn, so Elliott set the rules. Blue-eyed children must use a cup to drink from the fountain. Blue-eyed children must leave late to lunch and to recess. Blue-eyed children were not to speak to brown-eyed children. Blue-eyed children were troublemakers and slow learners.

Within 15 minutes, Elliott says, she observed her brown-eyed students morph into youthful supremacists and blue-eyed children become uncertain and intimidated.

Brown-eyed children “became domineering and arrogant and judgmental and cool,” she says. “And smart! Smart! All of a sudden, disabled readers were reading. I thought, ‘This is not possible, this is my imagination.’ And I watched bright, blue-eyed kids become stupid and frightened and frustrated and angry and resentful and distrustful. It was absolutely the strangest thing I’d ever experienced.”

(via Neatorama)

Hacked Via Backup

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Computer SecurityYou’re a hacker who wants to break into a large web forum, steal their user data, and destroy their database. The site is using the latest software patches and has a large array of security features to prevent unauthorized intrusion. What do you do? Simple, hack into their off-site backup, which is not nearly as secure but still contains their database login credentials.
