Archive for November, 2006

Air Force Expands To Cyberspace

Monday, November 6th, 2006

InternetIn 2005, the US Air Force added cyberspace to its list of operational areas (i.e., air, space). Now it is planning to create a cyberspace command.…
(via engadget)

Elephant Able To Recognize Self In Mirror

Monday, November 6th, 2006


Elephants have been added to the very small list of animals that can see a reflection in a mirror and realize they’re seeing themselves.…

Prisoner Mails Himself Out Of Jail

Sunday, November 5th, 2006


This prisoner managed to smuggle himself out of jail in a shipment of shrink-wrapped street lamp parts. Authorities quickly caught on, but it was too late to capture him.…

Where The Republicans Went Wrong

Friday, November 3rd, 2006


There is a non-trivial chance that Democrats will take over the House and/or Senate after the upcoming Nov. 7th election. This Washington Post editorial is written by a Republican and does a very good job of explaining why this may be the case. I think he’s hit the nail on the head.…
(via digg)