Archive for March, 2013

Internet Withdrawal is Real

Sunday, March 31st, 2013

InternetFrom the linked article: “The researchers found that people who habitually surf the Internet for long periods at a time suffer higher incidence of ‘negative moods’ after they stopped surfing, leading to addiction-like urge to return to the Web to alleviate or lift the negative mental states. The researchers warned that surfing the Internet for long stretches of time can result in withdrawal symptoms similar to those that drug abusers experience.”


It’s True — Dice Rolls Are Not Random, and Ones Come Up More Often

Sunday, March 31st, 2013

DiceModern dice tend to have rounded corners (as shown in the image here) and indented pips. Apparently this greatly reduces the amount of plastic required to manufacture the dice, and thus makes them less expensive. Turns out there’s a problem, though, this style breaks the randomness of the dice. They tend to come up as ones about 29% of the time (versus 16.7% if it was truly random). Think about that for a moment. The dice produce ones nearly a third of the time.

The main problem is the rounded corners. When that was fixed, the percentage of ones rolled dropped to 19%. Still too high, but much better. The indented pips were the cause of the remaining difference. When the tester used casino dice (square corners with non-indented pips), the percentage of ones rolled was “dead on” correct. And he also learned that casinos had researched this same issue and their results were similar to his.

So if you use dice for games and such, I’d suggest using a pair with square corners. And if you’re a hard-core purist, get a set of casino dice. (Unless you’re playing Axis & Allies, in which case you want a lot of ones.)


The Lowdown on Spamhaus and the Huge Attack Against It

Saturday, March 30th, 2013

EmailYou may already have heard about the massive DDoS attack against Spamhaus—an attack so big that it may have slowed down the entire Internet. So what is Spamhaus, and what did it do to incur such wrath?

The linked article has an overview of the spam-blocking services provided by Spamhaus. It also describes the tactics used by Spamhaus that many consider to be akin to extortion or blackmail. Are their methods heavy-handed? I would have to say “yes”. Are they effective? Indeed they are. Does the end (less spam) justify the means? I’m somewhat ambivalent on that one. Let me know what you think, in the comments.


Tips For Optimizing an SSD

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Tip JarSolid-state hard drives (SSDs) are quite different from regular, platter-based hard drives. And many of the techniques that optimize normal drives, such as defragmentation, are either unnecessary on SSDs or can actually decrease performance or reduce the drive’s lifespan. The linked article has several tips on optimizing the performance of your SSD under Windows.

Thanks to John from Boulder for this link.
