The Two Million Dollar Homepage

December 11th, 2006

InternetFresh on the heels of The Million Dollar Homepage, Alex Tew has come up with a new idea: Pixelotto. The pixels cost twice as much ($2 apiece), but he’s going to give away the extra $1 million to a random user who clicks one of the advertisements. Nice idea. The prize fund is already up to $135,000.

(via Nothing To Do With Arbroath)

One Response to “The Two Million Dollar Homepage”

  1. [link]Craig Williams Says:


    I just wanted to get in touch to mention our newly launched website, TurfJam. Its an experiment in the worth of online advertising spaces.

    Following on from Internet legends such as the Million Dollar Homepage, TurfJam is an advertising opportunity for marketeers and businesses.. however, the difference here is that each spot on TurfJam is being auction off. There are 100 pieces of “turf”, being released 10 at a time. As each auction runs and completes we will be updating and comparing the winning
    cost of each piece (all are the same size) to see how the price changes over time, and in relation to the number of pieces of turf left.

    If you would like more information please visit or get in touch with any questions.

    Craig Williams

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